Welcome to SPOOF MANIAC!
We are indebted to a British comedian for the word spoof. Sometime in the 19th century Arthur Roberts (1852-1933) invented a game called Spoof, which involved trickery and nonsense. The first recorded reference to the game in 1884 refers to its revival. It was not long before the word spoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery," first recorded in 1889. The verb spoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive." These senses are now less widely used than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation," first recorded in 1958, and the verb sense "to satirize gently," first recorded in 1927.


Thursday, May 24, 2007


So why do you bitch? Come clean with me …everybody bitches …some more than others but obviously girls bitch more than guys. How many times were you guilty of complaining that your job is boring and it’s not putting the right type of food on your table…you want to switch job but then you don’t think anyone would pay you as high as your current job? So you drag yourself to work trying to not look at the hour hand on your watch hoping time would really fly so that you can pack your bags say goodbye and go home. And when that’s all said and done you repeat the entire routine the next day only longing for the 6th and 7th day of the week where you can take a break? All I can say is Wake The Bloody Hell Up ….. Too many people have been conditioned since young with some freaky Asian culture that in my opinion should be shaved off from our prefrontal cortex forever.
We have been told to be told what to do, we are afraid of anything “uncharted” or “unknown” we want things to be “certain”. The Path Less Traveled will never be a thing for us. We as a whole are too dependant on our Jobs ….if we were to strip down this whole Career crap, I see a job as a “trade” like buying food... Everyday is a new trading day...you go to work …you give …the organization accepts your services and pays you at the end of the month so you can put food on the table. Nothing more than that. So if you are not happy with your job stop bitching about it and find other ways to put food on your table. I hear some dude goes …”oh this is my “Field” I have a degree in Computer science, so I cannot get out of this field” I say bull freaking crap. Working life is like a circle of friends … the are initial hierarchy as a basis from the start, subsequent arrangements of the line of authority depends purely on people to people relationship … so I feel we should not really focus on how many degrees you have, how many major or what class of degree you have but how you deal with people … so my question is …are you really happy with your job? If not why not change? Otherwise just take today and multiply by the number of years till you turn 90 in other words till you kick the damn bucket.

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