Welcome to SPOOF MANIAC!
We are indebted to a British comedian for the word spoof. Sometime in the 19th century Arthur Roberts (1852-1933) invented a game called Spoof, which involved trickery and nonsense. The first recorded reference to the game in 1884 refers to its revival. It was not long before the word spoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery," first recorded in 1889. The verb spoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive." These senses are now less widely used than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation," first recorded in 1958, and the verb sense "to satirize gently," first recorded in 1927.


Thursday, May 24, 2007


What's with gals and being fat? it's so obvious that when you see some chicks who are clearly fat to take certain angles for a shot. they tend to take a photo at an angle or using their arm to cover their flabby flabs... i think it's ok being fat ...it's well sometimes unsightly and unhealthy but sure beats fatties who pretends to be hotties...cmon ..who can't see em flabs ...no matter how u hide or doctor your pics and compose your image ...when we see you we see YOU and your flabs ...being fat is cool pretending not to be fat is dumb.

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